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Health and Safety Performance
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and Case Studies
- Five years of continual safety improvements resulted in a Workers' Compensation EMR reduction
and Workers Compensation premium reduction.
- TIRR: 0 over 5 years in specific high-risk departments.
- Reduced and maintain Total Incidence Rate (TIR) of 0 for overs 2 years in multisite operations.
- Lead 3 rd. EHS Metrics Position for an international engineering company Unit (IPR)TIRR:
- Total Incidence Rate (TIR) of 0 for or major’s Canadian construction sites.
- Reduce 348 to 34 days lost for injury at work and absenteeism.
- Reduction in direct costs of Workers Compensation Premium $ 400,000.
- Control Ergonomics Issues: MSD’s reduced by 90%.
- 1st place in the division in 2014 OSB APA Safety and Health Awards Program.
- Long-term disability (5 years) absenteeism has decreased from 6,000 to 0 days Zero days lost
and light duties.
- Developed and implemented safety awareness communications process between workers and
management resulting in increased near miss reporting hazard by management of 100 %.